An intriguing early 20th-century novelty, this multifunctional tray, colloquially known as the ‘Devil under the sheets,’ serves as a repository for business cards, trinkets, or sundry items. Although unmarked, its provenance is hinted at by its unmistakable Art Nouveau flair, reminiscent of the 1920s aesthetic. Crafted from a metal that, upon inspection of its patina and wear, appears to be brass — though a definitive composition awaits verification. Measuring 16 cm in length, 12 cm in width, and 1 cm in depth, it boasts a left foot that has been expertly soldered, evidence of a past restoration
Early 20th Century Devil Business Card Holder Catch-All Tray
300,00 €
This early 20th-century catch-all tray, often dubbed the ‘Devil under the sheets’, is a quintessential Art Nouveau piece possibly dating back to the 1920s. Unmarked and without a definitive date, it’s believed to be brass, featuring an expertly restored left foot.